We went to South Whidbey Island State Park for our last camping trip. Nate hurt his back right after packing us all up. He was walking around like a little old man but managed to get around with the rest of us. We went with our friends the Labrecque's. Fun was had by all!!
One of the days there was a slug race!! I know only in Washington right!! The boys spent all morning looking for the best and fastest slugs. Well they found a few bannana slugs. The slugs start by a rock and the first one to cross the circle of string surrounding the rock won. Cj's slug came in first place and Brenden's came in 2nd. They got a few slug bucks to spend at the campsite store. I guess the morning slug hunt was worth it!!
Always bet on the McClellans to be the fastest, even when it comes to slug racing! I'm sure Nate's slug would have won except for the sympathy back pain it was having. Hope Nate's feeling better!
ReplyDeleteSlugs fall into the snake category for me. I'm not sure I could have participated in that particular race. Congratulations C.J.!