Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!! 100 things about me!

Today I turned 33. That is me and my niece Sophia right before church today. Not to bad for a mom with a mini van!! Sophia and I painted our toes and fingers last night. I finally have a girl in my house for a couple of days so I had to do atleast one girl thing. Sophia wanted red polish with hearts but I just couldn't put red on a sweet little girl so I opted for pale pink and I found heart nail stickers. There were also jewels and butterflies and flowers. She picked a little of everything even though hearts are her favorite. It was really fun for me.

100 Things About Me
1. My favorite flower is the Tulip
2. I love the color red
3. I hate Yoga
4. I love summer thunderstorms
5. I love the smell of rain on a hot day
6. I have a nervous laughter
7. I like cooking and baking
8. I hate dusting
9. I love dancing
10. I love reading books to my kids
11. I can't live without chocolate chip cookies
12. Sad movies with happy endings are my favorite
13. I always have clutter on my kitchen counter and bedroom dresser
14. I don't like to watch movies or read books more than once
15. I love a good story that you don't want to put down
16. I love great teeth and smiles
17. I hate putting away the laundry
18. I love great photos and art
19. I have a great husband
20. I cry and snort when I laugh hard
21. I like paying bills
22. I like crossing things off a list
23. I am not a jewelry person
24. I love the warmth of the sun
25. I do not like the wind blowing on me for too long
26. I love playing games
27. I like to play basketball and softball
28. My favorite sport to watch is Football
29. My favorite show on TV is House
30. I wear fake diamond earrings everyday
31. I am not a pet person
32. I love musicals and plays
33. Give me cold glass of water
34. Coconut oil is my favorite moisturizer
35. I hate soda pop it makes my eyes water
36. I only like loreal mascara
37. My fridge calendar keeps me organized
38. I love getting mail
39. I am a shoe girl
40. I pick at my cuticles
41. I love quiet alone time
42. I also enjoy a good party
43. I hate exercise but I love it
44. I do not like giving the kids a bath
45. I love music and country is my favorite
46. I love football movies
47. I love spending a day at the beach
48. I hate packing and unpacking
49. My favorite date is golfing the par 3 course and dinner
50. I love Red Lobster
51. I don't like to look people directly in the eye
52. I love my own bed
53. I am always babysitting
54. Love m&m's and hot tamales
55. I like traveling
56. I hate my feet
57. I am obsessed with getting a flat stomach
58. I love being with family
59. I have great skin
60. For a split second in my life I wanted to be a female body builder
61. I would love to go to foreign countries to help people
62. am usually good with kids
63. want to try kite surfing
64. Really good at speaking in church
65. I love to sing and make music
66. I like pencils more than pens
67. I want to be a Kindergarten teacher
68. Would love to be a librarian
69. I like doing taxes
70. I had braces
71. I have never had a broken bone
72. I am a Army brat
73. I lived in Germany for 6 years
74. I wish I could speak spanish
75. I wish I could play the guitar
76. My kids make me crazy but I am crazy about them
77. I love making things grow
78. I love saving money
79. Am good with money
80. I am a pretty good speller
81. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
82. I love spinning in circles therefore I love the Teacups ride
83. I hate milk
84. My bathroom is always a mess
85. I am kinda shy
86. I read all the Hollywood gossip in the grocery isle
87. I like a clean house
88. It is hard for me to sit in a chair properly
89. I put my elbows on the table
90. I only learned a couple of years ago which side the fork should go I just could not remeber
91. I am very patriotic
92. I vote every time there is a major election
93. I have a weird belly button
94. I have a hot sauce collection
95. I love to blare the music and sing in the car especially on road trips
96. I taught my kids baby signs
97. I am teaching my kids to play the piano even though I never learned ( I guess I am learning with them.)
98. I use my public library frequently
99. I like to put my cold feet on my husband but I can't wear socks to bed
100. I hate bully's

Visiting Family in Lacey!!






We went down south to visit our new niece. Chris and Caitlin had a baby girl named Camille Emery Lynne McClellan. We also got to see Todd, Chad, Krista, Kate and the Lacey regulars. We spent a fun day at Long Lake.

Fourth of July!!

We went into Oak Harbor for the fireworks show. We tried 3D glasses to see if it made the fireworks better but it didn't. The fireworks started late but the boys and there were 7 of them had no problem entertaining themselves with a little wrestling and rolling down hills. We actually had a race to see who could roll up the hill fastest.

Fort Casey!!

We went and spent some time at Fort Casey while we were on the island. It was an old ww2 fort. We had fun exploring and playing Bocce,ladder ball, and flying kites in a big field nearby.

Camping Fourth of July Weekend!!

We went to South Whidbey Island State Park for our last camping trip. Nate hurt his back right after packing us all up. He was walking around like a little old man but managed to get around with the rest of us. We went with our friends the Labrecque's. Fun was had by all!!

One of the days there was a slug race!! I know only in Washington right!! The boys spent all morning looking for the best and fastest slugs. Well they found a few bannana slugs. The slugs start by a rock and the first one to cross the circle of string surrounding the rock won. Cj's slug came in first place and Brenden's came in 2nd. They got a few slug bucks to spend at the campsite store. I guess the morning slug hunt was worth it!!