I have never been an animal lover!! I like them but not in my house. Growing up in the military we could never have pets because we moved every 2-3 years. So, I am trying to be open minded about the Gerbils. Our first pets were given to us for free they were red bellied tree frogs.They died under a friends watch while we were on vacation. I was kind of glad because buying crickets all the time was a pain. Brenden then got a beta fish for his 6th birthday and he died a couple of months ago. Not a bad lifespan for a fish. Brenden shed some tears. Recently a boy in our ward was giving away his gerbils because he was moving. The boys begged and pleaded and I caved. I am trying to love the little rodents. They remind me of stewart little. The blond one is Houdini and the darker one is X-ray. Needless to say they have really been low maintenance. The kids can easily care for them and clean the cage. They sure love the little rascals.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy being pet-free! Eric was doing a job the other day and the people tried to get him to bring home a baby turtle, and though he wanted to, somehow he resisted. Thank goodness! I have informed my kids we will never have any type of reptile or small rat like animal as a pet. You are a better woman than me!