Nate's Tennis Matches got rained out all week. Guess which day it was sunny! Friday, his birthday. The plan was to go to the temple and then out to dinner with friends but he had to coach Tennis. I went to the temple anyway and we met up with Nate afterward for dessert and presents.
Saturday was beautiful so we decided to go on a family hike and have a impromptu BBQ afterward!! We went to Old Robe Trail in Granite Falls. The old railroad used to go through there by the river. The boys had a good time scaveging old railroad artifacts and throwing rocks in the river. They all each caught a frog. A Boys paradise. Good fun and good exercise an excellent combo.
I consider myself a well rounded person. I will always root for the underdog. Good must overcome Bad. Family always comes first with me! I would do anything for a friend or neighbor. I am always evolving and changing. I think of myself as an organized mess but just ask me, I know where it is.