My new bros and sistas! Daniel, Emily, Christian, and Lauren!!

My mom and Stepdad TK

Uncle Todd and the boys!!

Waiting for the Bride and Groom!!

Sam and Cj at the Natural History Museum!

Mason at the Zoo!

Logan and Sophia at the Zoo!

Hiking at the Superstition Mountains!

At Arizona CHildren's art museum and playcenter!

We went to Arizona for Christmas and my mom's wedding! Had lot's of fun but also had lot's of sickness. Everyone except my family got sick. Needless to say, it was not the best Christmas ever but I loved being with my brother and sisters. Unfortunately my Mom was on her death bed and was rushed to the emergency room on her wedding day. The wedding started at 4 and finally they showed up after 7pm. She was severly dehydrated and exhausted. They pumped her full of IV's!! She made it through the wedding sitting down. I must say she did look beautiful and vulnerable at the same time. This should be one trip that will always be remembered. We ate too much, stayed up too late, and played hard the days everyone was well!! It was a great chance to meet my new Step Father and step siblings. I must say, I liked them all!!